Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama for President

I had a horrible realization. If Obama does become President of the United States, the first black president, does that mean I have to suffer years of whites claiming they are not racists because they voted for Obama, like random white men at the disco club proving to me they can dance or jump or they watch BET.

It makes you go hmmm.


Prince Todd said...

::sigh:: we all will...we all WILL.

Sad part is some of them will not have voted for Obama and STILL say that.

Anonymous said...

the REAL sad part is he did become president and now we all have to pay for it.

Lazy Cheap Fat Bastard said...

the most sad part is we had eight years of Bush. I don't expect racists to not act like "Birth of a Nation" that was a movie about the birth of the klan. I published your post just because. i don't censor.