Saturday, September 6, 2008

I fart you

They say when you are with someone a long time that you begin to look like them. It got me to start thinking about farts. When you are with someone five or ten years basically you eat the same food. You have the same routine so that must mean you have the same digestive process.

You farted the other night. I didn’t hear it. I just smelled it. At first I had to decide if it was me. I usually recognize strangers’ farts. I don’t know what they eat. But when you farted it took five minutes to figure it out it wasn’t me. I didn’t even cover my nose. I just let the fact we were becoming the same person linger in the air. And then you farted again, that time it wasn’t so silent. And it didn’t smell the same. I knew you had been eating ice cream. I smiled. I got up and got the febreze and sprayed you down as you slept like a farting baby. I remember how my farts weren’t always pleasant. I loved you more. I fart you.

1 comment:

yet another black guy said...

Oh i gots to steal this line LOL!